A larp about the psychology of close relationships
Dates: 30 Sept – 3rd Oct 2022
Location: Cuevas al-Jatib, Baza, near Granada, Spain Number of players: 28 Organized by Larps on Location Signup will initially run from 6 to 13 February 2022 Price: EUR 240 (pay what you can afford tickets are available) At the New Beginnings clinic, we can help you find solutions to your problems. You are troubled: we have the answers. Today’s lives are complex and demanding, and deep-rooted psychological issues can bring unhappiness to even the most successful. Here at New Beginnings, we will use the most scientifically-advanced techniques and tools available to help you confront and defeat your troubles. Participant roles consist of 12 troubled and well-funded clients of the clinic; the 12 AI therapists who are individually paired with these clients; and the 4 psychiatric staff who run the facility.
The Clinic is not a larp about android revolution. It’s about the psychology of close relationships. Some of the play for clients and therapists will be in one-on-one sessions, which may be intense; and we will facilitate signing up in pairs for participants who would prefer to be paired with someone of their choice. However, it’s also entirely possible to sign up individually and then to be paired with someone whose play preferences match yours.
More about signup Is The Clinic for me?Have a look at the Play Experience page, and see what you think.
Practical info basicsThe site is a group of mountain caves, so is not easily accessible for people of limited or assisted mobility. However we’ll be happy to discuss your particular circumstances with you.
Everyone will be sleeping in beds, indoors. The Clinic will be fully catered and all dietary restrictions/requirements will be met. More practical info Some characters are gendered, some can be of whatever gender the player prefers. All characters are open to players of any gender or of none. More about characters The design of The Clinic is opt-in transparent. We will publish all details of the backgrounds, so that players can be aware of what sorts of material will be involved, and can steer storylines if they wish: but you don’t have to read it if you would rather be surprised. Sign up to our mailing list if you’d like us to keep you informed about The Clinic. There's also a Facebook group that you can join.